I Can’t Wait To Guide You Through Your IFW Retirement Score!
I Can’t Wait To Guide You Through Your IFW Retirement Score!

“How to have a – “Worry-Free Retirement”
Are you retired or retiring in the next 5 years?
Do you have investable assets totaling over five hundred thousand dollars?
Will you begin receiving a company/Government pension in the next three years? Are you aware your employer will willingly pay you for guaranteed enhancements to your pension plan, which they cannot provide?
Tax rates are low today; however, taxes will fluctuate. Do you have control of the future taxes you and your heirs will pay?
Do you plan to protect your legacy assets or income for heirs who have special needs or cannot handle money wisely?
Will your legacy be a private matter concealed from public view or an open book for everyone?
Will guaranteed tax-free income improve your retirement?
Most retirement planning software cannot dig deep into creating a roadmap blueprint to define and compare strategies available to provide a thorough risk analysis and define how simple but essential adjustments can improve the chances of a successful, worry-free retirement. Get started on your personalized roadmap blueprint today. You will not pay the customary preparation fee of $500 – $1,000 and will not need to provide all your documents/statements. No check or credit card will be required.
Paul has over 30 years of experience identifying, solving, and providing common-sense solutions for retirement problems.
Review my video above and call me at 610-478-9500 or click on my calendar link for a brief telephone conversation.
I also have a library of eBooks and videos, titles like Women & Wealth, Guaranteed Lifetime Income, Widows & Wealth, Tax-Free Retirement, and many more subjects available.
Paul Fair established Paul Fair Associates, LLC, a registered investment advisory firm that helps people maximize their investment returns while minimizing risk. He is also an independent insurance agent using a combination of income and growth strategies to help retirees and those planning for retirement realize their retirement goals.
With over 30 years in the investment and insurance business, Paul has authored and published numerous articles on investing, Social Security, safe money alternatives, and financial planning. Working constantly to hone his expertise.
Paul has served as a National Social Security Advisor (NSSA) trained in assisting retirees and future retirees in tailoring their Social Security Benefits options to maximize the Benefits they receive for themselves and their families.
Paul strives to help as many people as possible. To that end, he has conducted over 400 educational workshops on subjects to help retirees consider strategies that may improve their retirement. Like investing, securing income, long-term healthcare, and estate conservation.