Jeff Latall has had the pleasure to serve many people in the Midwest during his 28 year financial services career. His passion is to help people of all ages to plan for a happy and successful retirement without having to live a “just in case retirement”.
The financial services industry has done a great job of assisting American’s with building and growing considerable resources and wealth by taking advantage of tax deferred growth strategies, long term investing using dollar cost averaging, keeping expenses low, etc.
Jeff believes; however, that because of the increasing risks associated with living longer, down markets, inflation, quickly rising healthcare costs and out of control government spending that will result in higher taxes that the time has come to add in strategies that provide a balance of growth with risk reduction along with guaranteed income you can’t outlive while reducing or eliminating income taxes and offer leverage for healthcare needs not covered by Medicare or Social Security.
Using math and science, this fresh approach ensures a happy, stress free retirement regardless of market cycles and other variables beyond a retiree’s control and many times simply requires a repositioning of existing assets at little to no cost to accomplish.